17 Rue Duperré is the coolest place to be for my homies who are looking to capture aesthetic Nike-quality images in the unassuming basketball court tucked in the streets of Pigalle district. This few metres of adult playground for sporty and/or creative minds flaunt smooth yet funky gradients of bright blue, yellow, violet and pink. Visitors instantly feel like stepping into a Nike photoshoot studio for a brand campaign. The court makeover is credited to French fashion brand, Pigalle, teaming up with Nikelab to encourage local children to engage their time in sports. One has to come in early when the gate opens at noon as you would have to battle your way through Parisian basketball players and photography enthusiasts on peak hours. The surrealism of the sight of players shooting hoops while artsy-looking subjects are shot by camera lenses on the hued sideline is a celebration of sports and arts co-existing in perfect harmony.

Read on another secret Parisian location bursting in glorious colours! Get subscribed to learn about fantastic travel locations first. You’d surely amaze your friends once you post a #nofilterneeded set of #Paris photos that is much different and much attractive than theirs!

Pigalle used to be the hyped red-light district of Paris in the 1800s. Still bearing the label as the City of Love’s sex capital, much of the flow has died down in the recent decades. Vibrant bars, posh restaurants, sex shops and peep shows line the streets indulging you into doses of both sexiness and class. Hitting a 5-star strip club after a grand 5-star dinner is the most philanthropic way to enjoy the area.

Pigalle avenue also leads you to the tourist-flocked Montmartre and Moulin Rouge. The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, more popularly known as the Sacré-Coeur in Montmarte, offers the best views of the city. The iconic Romano-Byzantine church stands majestically on top of the hill which is the highest point of Paris, apart from Eiffel Tower of course. Hence, Le Moulin Rogue in its sultry red windmill architecture is hard to miss out, even just for a quick photo-op from the facade. True to its colour, this world-class cabaret is still frequented for the branded fantasy it offers inside.

A full Paris city blog guide will be posted soon! For now, whoever has plans to visit Paris soon must dedicate time to pass by here and get your friends and followers dying in envy.

Can’t visit Paris but want to achieve the explosions of colours in your well-curated feed? Or perhaps you crave a next level travel goal where you’d want to go chasing for colours? Pigalle Paris isn’t the only one. You can instead visit other basketball courts around the world blanketed in same striking colours:
1. Rhythm and Growth Basketball Court, Turin, Italy
2. Alessandria Basketball Court, Italy
3. St. Louis, Kinloch Park, Missouri
4. Stanton Street Basketball Court, New York
5. Aalst Basketball Court, Belgium
6. Klong Toey Court, Thailand

You’re welcome, guys! Will wait for those artistic photos of your next travels! Tag me. ➳